Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation is an independent public benefit organisation. At its establishment in 2004, it set its mandate to improve education and grow small Black-owned businesses as the most direct means to improve the lives of South Africa’s people and foster an inclusive, empowered society.
It has earned a reputation as a leader in education and small business development through the building of effective development models. Its programmes uniquely span primary, secondary and tertiary education and livelihoods through entrepreneurship. Its programmes are implemented by its partner entities.
Adopt-a-School improves the governance, academic, infrastructural and social environment in schools. KST, a collaboration between Kagiso Trust and Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation, leverages the best practices of each organisation’s Whole School Development programmes on a district-wide basis in the Free State. Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust (CRET) is a holistic bursary support and youth development programme. Black Umbrellas develops SMEs through incubators located around the country.
For more information visit: https://www.cyrilramaphosafoundation.org/
The Free State Department of Education strives to ensure progressive realisation of universal schooling, improving quality of education and eliminating disparities amongst Free State citizens. The department works to provide an education system that is free, compulsory, universal and equal for all children in the province. The nature of partnership with the Free State Department of Education, has contributed significantly towards getting the programme off the ground and thus yielding positive results.
For more information visit: http://www.education.fs.gov.za
The FirstRand Empowerment Foundation is a public benefit organisation that has been established with the primary objective of improving education and educational outcomes in South Africa.
For more information visit: https://www.firstrand.co.za/society/social-investing/firstrand-empowerment-foundation
Kagiso Trust is one of South Africa’s leading development agencies working towards a prosperous, peaceful, equitable and just society. The Trust works to overcome poverty by developing and implementing scalable, replicable, sustainable development programme models in the areas of education development, institutional capacity building, socio-economic development and financial sustainability. Over the past 30 years, Kagiso Trust has invested over R2 billion in development and implemented over 1,831 programmes.
For more information visit: https://www.kagiso.co.za/
The Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) Programme was first introduced as the Small-Scale Grant Assistance Programme in 1989. The aim is to assist Non-Profit Organisations (NPO’s) and local authorities by supporting relatively small development projects which have a direct and immediate impact on the well-being of disadvantaged communities at a grass-roots level. The Embassy of Japan in partnership with KST built four classrooms at Mpolokeng Primary School in the Motheo District.
For more information visit: http://www.za.emb-japan.go.jp
Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr is one of the largest business law firms in South Africa, specialising in service covering the complete spectrum of business legal needs. They have partnered with KST to provide legal advice and services in the establishment of the Trust and the legal administration thereof.
For more information visit: http://www.cliffedekkerhofmeyr.com
De Beers invests in Educational Infrastructure Development:De Beers through its De Beers Fund, partnered with the Free State Department of Education (FSDoE) and KST to invest R27million on the construction of a school in its labour sending area community of Maokeng, in Kroonstad.
The construction of Phuleng Primary School, which will benefit about 850 learners, falls under De Beers Consolidated Mines' Voorspoed mine’s Rural School Development Programme, which aims to address infrastructure needs for local schools, leave a legacy for communities and develop a working partnership with the FSDoE. The De Beers Fund contributed R17million for the school's construction and the FSDoE R10 million. The infrastructure development and overall project delivery will be managed by KST.
The newly built school will comprise of a primary section - Grade R, Foundation and Intermediate Phase, media centre, nutrition centre, covered walkway and security fencing. The primary section will boast 20 new classrooms and 17 ablution facilities, while the Grade R section will boast three new classrooms, a play area and ablution facilities.
For more information visit: http://www.debeersgroup.com